Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Each year, Zentangle presents the 12 Days of Zentangle Project Pack. Everyday there is a new video. I often fall behind on project packs, and do them months after they come out, but this time I wanted to do the Zentangles on the day they were released, just to feel like I was tangling with a lot of other people, worldwide. This year's theme was Renaisance tiles, the beautiful beige colored papers that Renaissance painters like Leonardo used for drawings. Here are my Zentangles. Day 8 was my favorite. Hope you enjoy them!

Day 1 Bronx Spears

Day 2 Crazy Huggins

Day 3 Well

Day 4 

Day 5

Day 6 Love the Blue Tape

Day 7 Rick's Paradox and Flux

Day 8 My Favorite

Day 11 DrawWings

Day 12 
Maria's Mookas with Fancy Dresses