Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Two Upcoming Classes

I am going to teach two Introduction to ZentangleTM  classes in March. If you have already taken Introduction to Zentangle, come anyway, and I will customize some new things for you so you are not bored with repetition. Please call me if you have any questions at 530-852-2260 or email me at maryhelen@maryhelenfein.com. I hope you can make it.

Sierra College Community Ed, Roseville, Saturday, March 16
The first class is at Sierra College Community Ed in downtown Roseville. It will be held on Saturday, March 16, from 10am to 1pm.  It takes place in a very nice classroom with lots of good tech, overhead projector, Internet, large screen, etc. Cost is $39, plus a $10 materials fee that you pay to me at the class. If you already have the Zentangle kit, just bring your own. You can call Sierra College to register at 916-781-6280, but it's okay to just show up if you need to. You can also register online at their website - just click this link


Dawn's Hallmark Art Supply, Auburn, Saturday, March 2
The second class is at Dawn's Hallmark Art Supply in Auburn. This is a fabulous art supply store, my favorite in the foothills. The class will be on Saturday, March 2, from  10am to noon or maybe a bit later. The class is free, with a $10 materials fee for the Zentangle Kit, and you can bring your own supplies if you have them. Please call me to register, 530-852-2260. You can leave a message if I miss your call. I have two people signed up (a mother and 9-year-old son) and would love to have more, Please come and join us!